Tracking my finances, my investments and 401k in particular, is quickly becoming a money pit in and of itself! I looked through old posts on here, but since my new MacBook Retina came with OX S Mountain Lion, I want to make sure I'd be getting compatible software since there seem to be so many variables in using Widows Quicken on a Mac. I've been using Quicken for Windows since 1995, and am now desperate to have it back! I am not, however, especially tech savvy, and therefore worried that I will purchase the wrong version of Quicken 2012 for Windows (to use with Crossover), and then run into more problems, especially since I've sill not heard from Jumsoft whether I can get a refund on Money 4.

Today I purchased Money 4, which has also been a nightmare since it doesn't seem to understand that my investments are good thing, and instead has all of them listed as negative amounts in my net worth.something I tried to manually fix without success. I thought switching to a Mac would be wonderful, but in the 4 days I've had my new laptop, I've done nothing but try and deal with my finances! Started with Quicken Essentials, which was refunded was switched to 'improved' version of Quicken 2007 for OX S (what a joke), and refunded for that as well. I've never understood why they have left it so feature poor when compared to the windows versions. Quicken Essentials is a joke and in serious need of an upgrade.

Quicken is the only reason I run Parallels in my rMBP. › Quicken Essentials For Mac 2012 Trial ▼ ▼